My Sloper Headwear PDF Tutorial BS”D בשם ה’ נעשה ונצליח! Looking for a PDF tutorial on how to sew hair…
New Head Scarf Sewing Pattern BS”D בשם ה’ נעשה ונצליח. We are happy to announce the release of a new…
How to Design and Sew the Volumizer BS”D בשם ה’ נעשה ונצליח. This tutorial is about designing and sewing a volumizer, a…
Introducing My Sloper Headwear 2.0 B”H The popularity of modest hair coverings among women of all faiths has seen an…
Knotted Twisted Headband Turban Snood New PDF Sewing Pattern Baruch Hashem, we are pleased to announce the release of the popular Knotted (Twisted) Headband…
How to Sew Padded Headband Head Scarf / Snood Tutorial Women and children wear head scarfs, snoods and other head coverings for various reasons —…
How to Accurately Measure for Pre-tied Head Scarves The pretied head scarf sometimes known as pretied Bandana worn among religious women are known…